News About Redi-Green in Victoria
Business Examiner - Independent Concrete Going Green
An article from the team at Business Examiner showcasing our approach to reducing our total embodied carbon footprint.
Victoria’s Leading Ready-Mix Concrete Supplier Reducing Carbon Footprint with Eco-Concrete
The press release to local media about the launch of our new Redi-Green product.
Indpendent Concrete Ltd. Joins veritree's Restorative Coalition
Independent Concrete Ltd. proudly announces its membership
to the Restorative Coalition, a vibrant community of passionate change makers
dedicated to making a positive impact on our planet. By joining forces with this
respected coalition, Independent Concrete Ltd. is taking bold steps towards
embedding nature restoration into its business operations and contributing to a
more sustainable future.
Times Colonist - Langford EcoConcrete Requirements
An article about Langford’s decision to adopt a powerful approach to carbon emission reductions.
We've joined veritree's Restorative Coalition to address climate change and nature loss.
Visit our impact hub on to learn about our commitment to integrating nature into our operations.